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Episode Nine (9), Part One (1)

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Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Empty Episode Nine (9), Part One (1)

Post by Luke Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:07 pm

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) AltermediaLogo
[size=200]Evil Born Evil[/size]
Series: 03
Episode: 09
Written by: Luke Enfield
Produced by: Crimson Media
[warning]AGE RATING: 15+
Previously on Evil Born Evil...

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_7ce7a4f7

Ian: I'm sorry Chris, I'm sorry. But Isaac isn't to blame, I'm telling you!
Chris: No, Isaac is to blame. I have my respect for you and your suffering with cancer, I accept that it needs to be payed back. But you lied Ian, you lied. And I don't have time for liars, not when I've got criminals to catch. Goodbye.
Ian: (Sighs) I'm sorry...

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_5ce8d84f

Chris: Oh... that's it. I never met my grandparents. Of course. 1967... the car crash! Shit. I can't remember the date... damnit. I knew they were from Hudley, but I don't know the address. Mother showed me a picture of the house, but I'm not going to find it. The date is more important though. If Marcus stopped Harald's death and survived, it obviously didn't change anything in reality but... I should stop my grandparent's death. It might work.

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_7c8496cb_9ce8d5f0

I tell you a story. A story about a man. He never had his way with women, and yet Chris here is the kind of guy you'd least think so would find a girlfriend. Not that because of his looks, but his personality. He's not really sociable if I'm honest. He doesn't need the time for a relationship. He doesn't want one. But when you meet someone you are so passionate about, there's no use denying it. You're in love. You've made a commitment. First comes the date, then comes the first kiss, then comes the sex. Chris isn't the kind of guy to be sleeping around while in a huge operation but... it's only natural. We've got to do what we've all got to do. Love is blind. Love is huge. But it never makes the world go round. What makes the world go round? Money and politics. It reminds you of something, doesn't it? I hope so. Call us sophisticated, but us Senglish don't always do calm. In Sondon, everything is corrupt. What did I tell you? Booze, sex, money? All things the majority takes for granted? It's becoming ever-more clear. There's no use denying it Chris, you know you've got it coming. Enjoy the fun while it lasts, Osborne.

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Chris: You know Florence, about last night. I'm sorry.
Florence: What are you being sorry for? We had a great time, or at least I did.
Chris: I'm not sure whether we went into things a bit differently.
Florence: Hey, it's been done now. There was no harm done... what's there to be worried about?
Chris: Well, I suppose. I guess that made it up to you?
Florence: Yeah, it did that alright. I would love to do it again sometime.
Chris: Yeah, me too.
Florence: Think of it. Our first night spent together, we're making good progress aren't we?
Chris: Quick progress more like, and it's not good.
Florence: Chris, what's wrong?
Chris: It's my fault. I'm not forcing you am I?
Florence: No! Don't be silly!

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Chris: Because as far as I see it, I realise things. They've gone too quick.
Florence: It's been almost a month Chris.
Chris: Exactly! A month...
Florence: Look, it's different with us.
Chris: How come?

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Florence: Well, you know, with some relationships it can take a while for a couple to get accustomed to each other. For some, they can get right into the swing of things.
Chris: Yeah but you see, I'm not there all the time to be there for you, you know I'm a busy man. Even in short time I've gone too far.
Florence: Chris, if I think you've gone too far, you have. But I don't think you have, so you haven't. As long as we both like what we're doing what are other people to say, hey?
Chris: I suppose. But it's not always what we both want together, it's what we want individually. I want to make you happy sure but...
Florence: I didn't make you happy? Is that what you're trying to say? The sex wasn't good with me?
Chris: No! You know it was my idea, I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't intend on the events of last night.
Florence: Why not?
Chris: I love you Florence. I love you. But now isn't the time to rush into things like that. That's just what I think. I had a drink or two, I definitely didn't intend on it.
Florence: You're saying you didn't want to have sex with me!?
Chris: Well, no. But not with anyone at that stage in a relationship...
Florence: I guess you're right, we did rush into it a bit but... no love lost hey?
Chris: No, Florence. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. It's a wake up call to take things slowly now.
Florence: Yeah, slowly.

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Chris: Well, with that settled... I suppose it's about time I got going now.
Florence: Oh, don't you want some breakfast?
Chris: Ah, breakfast is for whimps. I've seriously got to get going to work. Take care of yourself, won't you?
Florence: Chris...
Chris: Yes?
Florence: I'm sorry.
Chris: Don't be sorry, Florence. Like I said, the only one of us who's got to be sorry right now is myself.
Florence: No no you know you'll find yourself somewhere where you'll lie dead and you know it was me who did that to you.
Chris: Florence, Florence! Calm down! I've got everything under control.
Florence: Stay safe, won't you? Be careful out there. I worry about you all the time. Why do you have to do this, Chris?
Chris: I'm afraid, I've got nothing better to do... come here sweetie. Everything will work out.
Florence: I hope it will.

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Florence: Promise me you'll be careful. You promise?
Chris: I don't need you to be worrying about me Florence. You've got enough on your plate.
Florence: You're on my plate already.
Chris: (Sniggers) Ok Florence, if that's the way you want to go about it...
Florence: Goodbye Chris.
Chris: Bye Florence.

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_9cf0dfbe

Rod: I think it's about time I knew boys. I'm getting worried. What do I do about my brother?
Felix: I don't know Rod. It's up to you. Don't do something I wouldn't do.
Rod: Oh yeah, sure. You're one to talk.
Felix: Rod, what's with the shitty mood this morning my man?
Rod: Don't brand me as 'your man'! I'm tired of people like you. Always not taking things serious enough. This is my brother we're talking about. He could and most likely WILL get himself killed. It's my job to pull him out before it's too late. I finally think it's time to pull the plug on Cardenas.
Chris: Ah Rod...!
Rod: Ah, ah! Don't give me any of that. Now is the time. We've had a few close shaves when we've not wanted such a thing to happen, but it would make sense now if it did. I can't go on like this anymore. I want help for my brother.
Felix: Do you really care? You've not known him for years, why would you want to take him back and get him help?
Rod: I hate him, Felix. I hate him... (exhales)... oh man...
Chris: What is it, Rod?
Rod: He's still my brother. I don't have much family left. Not many of us do which is why we find the time to be detectives.
Chris: I don't want to face Ian right now, but when I do, or at least someone could do that before me... well... it's about time we DID pull the plug on Cardenas. Some may think it's too soon, some may think it's too late. But you know what? Fuck Ian. Fuck Isaac. If that's what us three think then we'll think that. We'll go through this one together lads. We need to pull together. Us three.
Rod: I know, I know.
Chris: Not just for us, Rod. For all of our benefits. We'll get Felix a girlfriend...
Felix: Hey, I don't need no help! I manage just fine in that department...
Chris: We'll help your brother Rod. Like you say, he's your brother. A bad one but... still... a brother.
Rod: ... yeah.
Chris: And you don't know how lucky you are to have a brother. I always wanted an older brother to look up to. Well, now I do. Sure, as kids... you always wanted to be the oldest sibling. (Chuckles) But times change. I'm a very sensitive person, chaps. I need someone to look up to sometimes. I'm a follower, not a leader.
Felix: What so... you haven't even had step-siblings?
Chris: Why do you ask that? I've never had any...
Felix: Well, that assuming taking into account you don't have any real siblings...
Chris: Yeah. I don't...
Rod: What about your Adam, Felix?
Chris: Adam?
Felix: My junkie brother.

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Chris: I hope it isn't true that both of your siblings work against the law as opposed to for it?
Felix: Oh don't worry, I've got a sister. She doesn't hurt nobody. My dad does though. Well, he can be nice. Sometimes.
Rod: Don't you know all this Chris? Why do we have to be dragged into this?
Chris: I'm curious, you know. I'm a curious man. I'm a detective.
Rod: But it's irrelevant, isn't it?
Chris: I'm only trying to be helpful, Barker.
Felix: My father runs a removal company, Chris. Nothing to be worried about! (Chuckles)
Chris: Tell me about your brother though, Felix. He's more what I'm interested about. Do you still see him?
Felix: Yeah. I try and see him sometimes though but he doesn't always accept me. Sometimes he'll be alright, the next day he'll be hateful and vulgar. I guess he has mood swings...
Chris: It's just the effects of drugs.
Felix: And no one gives a shit about addictions. If you kill yourself on dope, it's your own fault. More like Ian's fault.
Rod: It's not him who decides it though, is it? It's the government?
Felix: Oh don't worry... that bastard practically runs the government as well...
Chris: Don't be stupid. I'm sure he doesn't.
Felix: You want to bet? Everyone is right about him, he's a downright prick.
Rod: Harsh words, Felix.
Felix: We've got to make everyone clear on him. He's corrupt.
Chris: And people know that already! Can't we just wait til' this operation ends? We might find a lead... I'm not taking stinking money from that bastard.
Rod: (Sighs)
Chris: Rod, are you in on joining as a team together?
Rod: What, just us three?
Chris: Victor perhaps. I don't know. Maybe four but... yeah, just us. You in or not?
Felix: Well, I don't really have any problems with Victor... in fact I look up to him more than I do with Ian.
Chris: Rod?
Rod: I'm not so sure about this one.
Chris: How do you mean?
Rod: I think I'd rather go about this one on my own, Osborne.

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_fcf0dd11

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_3cf0dd7f

Isaac: Ian...?
Ian: ... Isaac?

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Isaac: It's time I stopped laying around and took some action.

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_1cf0ddeb

Ian: Isaac, thank heavens you're still ok! You look pretty beaten up, I guess...
Isaac: Yeah, Chris...
Ian: I know what Chris did. And I'm not pleased of it. There's many things you and him left unsettled I'm sure, hence why you're in this state. I guess money was the case?
Isaac: Yeah, it was. More than just a factor. The pinpoint.
Ian: I told him the money wasn't from me. The money you had was Marion's wasn't it?
Isaac: It was. But what about your money?
Ian: It's stashed in the cupboard at home. My wife won't find it.
Isaac: Hence why she's called Diddy. (Laughs)
Ian: (Chuckles) Yeah... she's too small to reach the damn thing! It's safe, but she thinks that it's over. I've still got debts to pay, Isaac. Help me.
Isaac: I'm doing all I can, Ian. I'm doing all I can...
Ian: Thanks, Isaac. I couldn't have done any of this without you. Now... tell me what YOU plan to do next...?
Isaac: It's a crime, Ian. Chris beat me. I'm injured. He's not to be let off lightly.
Ian: Undoubtedly he'll be punished but... it's just how to punish him that bugs me.
Isaac: Do what you want... anything will make me feel better. I just want to focus on the job on my own now.
Ian: It's best you do. You ever think you and Chris will ever kiss and make up?
Isaac: I can't say, with the current situation I wouldn't like to think so but... you know what can happen. We've all got to stick together eventually. I don't know... but for now though, I'm not working with that bastard.
Ian: I understand, Isaac. I understand. You'll go about it on your own now until I decide otherwise.
Isaac: Thanks, Ian.
Ian: No problem.
Isaac: I wouldn't mind a new partner but, I don't want to be around anyone just now. I need time to think, get back into the swing of things you know? It's been some time...

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Ian: Do you know what you're going to say to Marion about this though?
Isaac: I'm not sure. He's not going to be pleased about my unknown absense but if he really cared I thought he'd come knocking now. I can't work with Chris with Marion anymore, the next step is to definitely pull the plug.
Ian: That's what I like to hear. We will. Just not yet though.
Isaac: Well, that's not made any progress. That's what we've been saying all along. 'We'll do it... just not yet though'. The poor bastard needs to know.
Ian: Look, I have a lot of things on my mind... if we don't make the right decision... we all die.
Isaac: That's a harsh way of putting it. We're not looking for perfection, Ian. Just the best for everyone.
Ian: I think night and day about it. Hell, I don't even get sleep some nights. Sometimes I even pinch myself. You know why? You want to know why!?
Isaac: Why!?
Ian: Sometimes I just can't believe why they're all not even behind bars already. Or dead. They're killers, Isaac. Not traffic offenders. There's still unsolved deaths and disappearances... and they'll never be solved. You know what!? They haunt me, Isaac. They'll haunt me for everyday of my life. To know that one family is devastated and will never know who killed their son, or daughter in some cases because of some fucking corrupt drugs haul that turned into a vendetta between two of the most powerful criminals living in this city... man... it haunts me.
Isaac: I can understand how you're feeling too. We'll never know why... but the world is full of unkown mysteries and that's just the way things are. We can only do our best. We are at the very top, Ian.
Ian: Yeah, we are. The very top.
Isaac: It's time I confronted everyone, now... I don't want to be waiting. I can't hide in the shadows before my wounds heal and Chris no longer works here. I've got to face them. See you later, Ian.
Ian: Good luck Isaac, thanks son. Goodbye.

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Isaac: Chris Osborne. I don't want to use this eye for an eye shit on you but I'm afraid I'm going to have to.

Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_3cf0df8c

Chris: You won't do it on your own.
Felix: Yeah, you've said how you felt scared by something big like this...
Rod: Things have changed, Felix. I've decided to toughen up. I'm a cop, I'm going to have to... and I know if I don't I'm not going to get the job.
Felix: Haha... you're not serious are you? You know how you assume that you're better than me, you all do... you don't reckon that I correspond in that way that I should sometimes.
Chris: No Felix, you can. I know you can.
Rod: By outperforming your rival, that's not going to get you a rank promotion. Neither of us will get a promotion if we continue going the way we are at the moment.
Chris: I couldn't agree more. You guys have got to get your act together. I mean, you'll have to... you've got a lot coming your way. Sharpen up.
Felix: I guess you're right, but I just don't know where to start.
Rod: Do you not know how to toughen up? The reason why we never do it is because we never think about it in the first place. Think before you act, Barker. Think before you act, Tanner.
Chris: And you never know, if you don't think... there'll be dramatic consequences. You and me both know that you're needed more than ever now at this job. Recruiting is hard and if you don't put the effort in to make yourself noticed... the Blackjacks... the Del Bosque gang... they've won chaps. They've won.
Felix: So what's the plan?
Chris: We wait for the right time to pull the plug on Cardenas. When we know all we can, then's the time to do it. We've got to seriously consider though... what is more important now. Finding the killer to Herbert Major or ending that war between the two syndicates and taking the cash. I mean it's got to be one of them who killed Marion, why would this whole war rise to the surface if it wasn't for Major's death?
Rod: I like your thinking, Chris. We should see Ian about this, but... I understand he's probably not the best of friends with you right now.
Chris: Oh no, he apologized regarding the money he was using to pay off his treatment, he probably doesn't hate me, he still needs us... but I can agree the feeling isn't mutual.
Rod: What are we going to do about Isaac?
Chris: Isaac? I don't care about him anymore. As long as he stays out of my way from here on in, I can't argue. I don't want a new partner. We're a team now.

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Isaac: It seems apparent that you'd like to join forces. We were on already. We are a team. Get used to it, Chris!
Chris: Oh what do you want?
Isaac: An apology. It's all I'm asking. We're going to have to take action if you don't.
Chris: What are you going to do? Do something that you haven't done already? That doesn't seem so likely. What are you and Ian going to do? Fine me? The use that money for your own leisure? You know what? You can stick it where the monkey keeps his nuts, sunshine. I don't give a toss about your and Ian's little playground games.
Isaac: Fighting talk there, Chris.
Chris: Shut the fuck up. Do you know what you've done!?
Isaac: Yeah, I do. I've got plans to make things right. Doesn't mean I'll be in the wrong.
Chris: You know, I bet you was in the wrong from the first moment I saw you, Noble. You're nothing but a smug little bastard. You deserved what I did to you.
Isaac: I've never seen you like this... Chris.
Chris: I'm a sensitive person.
Isaac: But this isn't sensitive talk. Are you out of your mind!?
Chris: Oh, I'm sorry? I think I can only recall yourself being out of your bloody mind. I'm going out. I'm going on this one without you now, Isaac. You know that. From the moment I threw the first punch... we were over.

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Isaac: Chris?
Chris: ...yes!?
Isaac: You walk out of here... and you've crossed the line. You'll have to face the consequences.
Chris: Out of my way.

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Isaac: ... I want him stopped.

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Chris: What a bastard... he had to come back at the incorrect moment. Everything that man touches has to fall apart... good heavens.

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Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c907643_3cf0edf7

Felix: You don't realise how stupid you can be sometimes. You REALLY are PATHETIC! Do you want to know why you are?
Isaac: Don't give me this crap now, Felix. I've got enough on my mind.
Felix: Oh fuck your mind! We've all got things to be concerned about... go back and crawl under the rock you came from, Isaac. All you are is a REAL smug little bastard. I know that you talk of me behind my back... constantly reminding everyone of how superior Rod is over me... well you know what? I'm not going to stand for that anymore. You're injecting POISON into people's minds.
Isaac: So now you're saying that you're better than what people think?
Felix: Not at all, Isaac. Not at all. People can only conclude that I'm a bastard though, and of course that's going to slim my chances of getting a promotion. I'm not as wary of things as opposed to Rod, I'll give you that one, yeah! And you know why? I just need a little time to get back into 'the zone'.
Isaac: (Sniggers) Ah, yeah. I've heard that one many times before.
Felix: Don't you give me that kind of shit, Isaac. I know your type. I know you well. I know you hate my guts, but hey... I HATE YOURS! SO I SUGGEST YOU FUCK OFF BEFORE I DO SOMETHING THAT I MIGHT BE SORRY FOR!
Isaac: ...
Felix: (Exhales)
Isaac: ... you really are an idiot. Do you know that? One big, useless lump that goes around in his fancy sports car with his fancy clothes and his fancy designer sunglasses and really thinks that he should rise above everyone else. You're in the lower ranks, Tanner. YOU DON'T GIVE ME ORDERS...!
Felix: ...
Isaac: Get out of my fucking face.
Felix: I'm not finished yet.
Isaac: I've got to get going! I've got places to go, people to meet.
Felix: Well this is more important at the moment, like I said... I AM NOT FINISHED.
Isaac: (Laughs) Lower ranking, Felix. I GIVE YOU ORDERS! NOW MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!

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Felix: No.
Isaac: NOW!
Felix: Shouting won't help. Now I want to know where that money really come from before I get really angry.
Isaac: It's none of your business, chump.
Felix: Do you want to call me that again big boy? Because I've not got anywhere better to go, I don't know about you... so let's settle this here and now? Deal?
Isaac: I don't fucking believe you. You're really making me lose my patience.
Felix: If you wanted to go, you'd have pushed me out of the way using your 'big boy Detective Inspector higher-ranking' muscles to barge your way past, but it seems you haven't done that now, have you? Oh, I'm sorry Isaac, I'm not intimidating you, am I!?
Isaac: I want you to see sense and make decisions to prevent violence.
Felix: Oh right? Well I always believed that you... that you thought violence was the answer to resolve things anyway? After all, don't actions supposedly speak louder than words?
Isaac: Oh Felix... don't give me that. I can be a nice guy. Well... sometimes.
Felix: Yeah, sure. D.I Isaac Noble, nice? You've killed sometimes nearly almost innocent people for the simple reason that you love violence. You want to kill everything... break the law when you can... have fun. Police brutality. That's who you are. Let me tell you something... you're sick. I bloody well hate you. For your information, I don't think Chris will be requiring your help anymore. He's clearly upset.
Isaac: Chris isn't upset. He can control his emotions.

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Felix: He's a sensitive man. Leave him the hell alone. You deserved what he did to you! In fact I probably would have desired to do that myself!
Isaac: (Chuckles) Sure. Take your shitty little team and take on us. I've got Ian, Victor and the government on my side. Best of luck...!
Felix: Victor isn't on your side.
Isaac: What!?
Felix: He confessed it, Isaac. He hates you. He hates your guts.
Isaac: Aw, Vic wouldn't be so cruel now would he? He sucks up to Ian, he's fine with us.
Felix: Oh don't give me that! You know damn well he hates you! How dare you think he sucks up to Ian... as a matter of fact, I'd rather have Victor run the C.I.D in my opinion, I'm sure he'd do a hell of a better job than Ian at the moment.
Isaac: Now I don't want a civil war or anything but...
Felix: Oh yes you do Isaac. You want the likes of myself, Rod... and now that Chris turned salty on you... you want him as well, as well as all of us... to have our bodies found in the battlefield. That's what you want.
Isaac: No...!
Felix: Well, I tell you now sunshine. If I were you I'd start running, since Ian is obviously not fit enough to tackle the job in hand. You? Well, you clearly couldn't stand up to Chris when you're obviously forty times more violent than he is. Why didn't you throw a punch back, Isaac? Or maybe, maybe... why didn't you just kill him?
Isaac: (Sighs)
Felix: (Sniggers) I'll look forward to it, Isaac. Like I said, best of luck... because guess what?
Isaac: What?
Felix: (Whispers) You'll need it. (Sniggers)

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Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_bc91fe96_9cf0f5f0

Chris: Good morning Kiefer.
Kiefer: Oh, Chris. Good morning! How are you my pal?
Chris: Well, you know. I'm not great, but... I'm not really that bad.
Kiefer: You never heard me come in?
Chris: Come in? Come in what?
Kiefer: Last night, Chris. I saw you and Florence in bed together... you must have had a fun night, was it too much of a hassle to drive home in the early hours of the morning? Dear me, you must have been up to something... (laughs)
Chris: Oh, well... I guess we, did. But please... don't fuss over any kind of crap like the topic of taking things too quickly in the relationship... I apologized for it, I reckon things are happening too fast you know...
Kiefer: Oh, I'm not complaining. I'm pleased you've finally found the rhythm. You're good together. She needs a good love, she's needed one for a long time. You've given that to her, I just simply cannot argue. I'll keep thanking you, won't I?
Chris: Yeah, it's not doing me too good. Please, save the politeness now. You've done enough... we're beginning to settle down.
Kiefer: Fair play. I hoped you enjoyed it... it forced me to sleep the night in a hotel... I should think yourself lucky.
Chris: (Chuckles) Sorry.
Kiefer: Yeah, I don't mind.
Chris: So, have you spoke to Marion?
Kiefer: I haven't seen him much Chris, what about you?
Chris: No, come to think of it... I haven't either. Well, it was only a matter of days ago but, things have been pretty quiet.
Kiefer: I think something's wrong. He's not usually this quiet. It's worrying you know... when he's got Santiago coming after him. You think they've done the job already?
Chris: Done what job, exactly?
Kiefer: Well... you know... killed him. What if Marion's dead?
Chris: Luisa isn't stupid... she knows when the time is right... and besides, there's times where we've gone longer from not hearing a squeak from him, I'm sure he's just fine.
Kiefer: Yeah, I hope so. I really damn hope so. We can't let those Blackjacks win. I'm losing my patience.

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Chris: Marion just won't drag us all together for a discussion, Kiefer. It's as if he doesn't want us to know his plans and he's going about things himself.
Kiefer: He'll have to eventually. Marion is an old man, but wise. He won't fail, trust me. Our work won't be required no more once we've gotten him to her.
Chris: Luisa a fighting girl?
Kiefer: I know as much as you do, Chris... absolutely nothing. But I don't think anything will stand up to M. I'm sure of it.
Chris: Oh save me the thought... please. He's ridiculous sometimes. I don't get told anything. Nothing.
Kiefer: Give him a break will you... you would have seen a different man if you were part of this syndicate before Major stole the dough and then was popped afterwards...
Chris: Oh, so that makes sense, doesn't it? First I'm told he's a different man when he's eating chocolate, now I'm getting told he's a different kind of guy before all this shit. What kind of guy is he?
Kiefer: An extraordinary one.
Chris: Oh, sure!
Kiefer: You haven't known him long enough... he did nothing wrong to me. He just needs to get his head straight. If you start helping him and being more co-operative you might see the real Marion Cardenas.

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Chris: Oh, I'm sorry!? Blaming me now are we? What did I ever do to him?
Kiefer: You know what?
Chris: What!?
Kiefer: I don't even know... you tell me. I'm sure you're hiding something. Another reason why people have been acting differently recently is probably because you have to. Well done, trend-setter.
Chris: I don't set trends, Kiefer. I set rules. I'd rather go about things myself... but oh... I thought I'd try and help someone for a change, it seems that didn't go so well.
Kiefer: I know you're only after Santiago because of what she did to your friend. Wayne told me.
Chris: Oh, uhm... yeah. That's why.
Kiefer: So while you march on alone we'll handle Santiago our way. Did you see the syndicate as a kind of way of protecting yourself against the likes of the feds so that you could take down Santiago, and have other guys to bail you out if you was getting shot at when it all went wrong?
Chris: I think you're getting the wrong end of the stick, man.

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Kiefer: Don't tell me what I can and cannot do. I know well that you're hiding something and Florence said also. You never told her your secrets when she asked so... only you claimed that they weren't relevant at that present moment in time... and that you'd tell her when you THOUGHT THE TIME WAS RIGHT!
Chris: Look, I honestly don't think this is the right time. I'll leave you to it. Goodbye, Kiefer.
Kiefer: Oh, don't you go leaving me yet.
Chris: (Sighs) Make it quick.
Kiefer: Tell me what you meant.
Chris: Well, we all have secrets... some couples find out something new about each other everyday. I'm not lying to her, Kiefer. You can't blame me. A lot of things break when I touch them but... I'm behind in this relationship. Florence wants to take things quicker than I intend...
Kiefer: Sure... so that explains why you had sex under my roof doesn't it? How did she force that one on you, Chris? I'm not sure nature works like that. You must have done that to her.
Chris: We drank a few... what can I say? She didn't feel so guilty this morning... I did.
Kiefer: Go about this one on your own, Chris. I won't stop you. Goodbye.
Chris: Yeah, sorry for bothering you I suppose?
Kiefer: Well fucking done.

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Chris: (Sighs)

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Chris: Huh? What's this?

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Chris: Herryland's Park? Oh yes. Herbert's death. Herryland's Park. Damn, what's this world coming to?

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Pierre: Oh, hello there Chris...
Chris: OH! Oh, sorry... sorry. You made me jump. (Chuckles)
Pierre: Oh, I'm sorry. Something wrong? How can an old man make you jump, I'm not that jumpy am I? I'm in my golden years, Chris... don't be scared of me. (Laughs)
Chris: I'm sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to jump, but... I'm just wary of things at the moment, you know?
Pierre: Tell me what's wrong...
Chris: Oh, nothing. Events are just a bit overwhelming, I want things back to normal as soon as possible, you know what I mean?
Pierre: I think I do. Anyway, you don't intend on going anywhere soon do you?
Chris: Well, I was actually just about to go out but... go ahead. Say what you want to say.
Pierre: Oh, if it's too much hassle, I won't bother. See you then.
Chris: No please, whatever it is, as long as it's not so long, then go ahead.
Pierre: You know if it gets to the point when you risk being a bit late, there's always an ace I have up my sleeve. Because what I wanted to show you is this.

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Chris: Ok, lead the way. It's not a problem.
Pierre: Thank you, Osborne.

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Pierre: Dear me, it has been a long time. Since you're one in a while who I've began to trust, I think it's time for you to see what I have hidden.
Chris: Ok then, Pierre. Open her up.

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Pierre: There you are.
Chris: ... a car?
Pierre: Yeah.

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Pierre: Don't be afraid to hop in, Chris.

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Chris: What's so special about this? Wasn't the BNB Oberon a popular little car, what's so unique about it?
Pierre: Looking back at my experiences in the mafia, I'm not so proud of it. But, there always were a few things I learnt about being there. Before I became a made man I used to fix cars for the big boys, and this was one of them. When he died, he left this in his will. His BNB Oberon. This isn't what you think... it has a wee bit bigger engine. Made to go faster when we used to drive on the backroads running from the police, bringing the drugs back to the boss. We put all sorts of crap in the back of these. It's a good thing this one is still here today. No one's going to take this one off me.
Chris: You certainly carry a lot of memories for an old man, Pierre. I like how you've kept this clean, and in good condition. You take pride in things, Pierre. Thank you for letting me see this.
Pierre: No problem, like I said... I had an ace up my sleeve, it's about time I gave the old girl a wake up and took you to where you want to go. You don't mind that do you?
Chris: Oh not at all Pierre, thank you very much. Herryland's Park.
Pierre: That's where Herbert Major was killed?
Chris: Yeah, yeah. Sure... but it's still a public park. Nothing can change that, I'm going to pop by and talk to Victor.

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Isaac: Isaac...

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Isaac: You truly are nothing but a bastard. Felix was right... but it's all been said and done.

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Isaac: It's a war.

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Chris: You asked me to drop by, Vic.
Victor: I did... I'm glad you read the note.
Chris: So...
Victor: So?
Chris: What exactly did you want?
Victor: A word.
Chris: Could you elaborate on that for me?
Victor: Ian, or more to your liking, Isaac. You're here to discuss the topic of what we're going to do with them next.
Chris: Oh yeah?
Victor: I spoke to Felix.
Chris: Yeah?
Victor: A good man that Felix, he was actually speaking sense, and he does rather often, unlike what Isaac thinks. I caught the last of their argument that they had, it was pretty loud. Now, I've always stuck by Ian but he knows I don't always like him as much as I can do sometimes. To say the least, we're not really what you'd call the best of friends. For best friends, we aren't the best of all best friends. Sometimes I hardly look at him eye to eye as I pass by him. He doesn't want to speak to me anymore, he thinks getting all friendly with the government will make him a popular man.
Chris: I know that type.
Victor: You've known Ian for a long time, he's corrupt most definitely. This government have done good up to know after the departure of Harland, but Ian's beginning to follow in his footsteps. He had done even before he was diagnosed with the cancer.
Chris: I see.
Victor: So, it looks like we've got a civil war on our hands.
Chris: A civil war!?
Victor: Regarding whether Isaac's going to continue working with you with Marion is a longshot, but that's the least of our problems right now. I actually feel the undercover journey has came to its end. Who knows what Ian and Isaac have been planning together?
Chris: The bastards...
Victor: It's our only choice... while we hunt Santiago and Cardenas, there's also the job to get Ian out of his job. Isaac isn't a Bosque, Chris. He's a cop. Just a bent cop.
Chris: I've heard it all before.

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Victor: My father worked in the police, Chris. I wanted to take after him. He was only a traffic cop, I followed in his footsteps, and now I'm deputy Police Chief. It's funny isn't it? If Ian goes, I'll be the first proper clean chief since the nineteenth century. Sondon's a corrupt city, so every man is corrupt apart from those who want to rise above the rest.
Chris: A bit full of yourself there?

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Victor: I know well that I could do a better job. When you hate someone, you clearly rate yourself above them. When you love someone, usually... you put them first. Isn't that the same with you and Florence?
Chris: Yeah, I guess it is.

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Chris: Look, I'm going to look around. Cast my memory back to the death, you know? I've been scared coming to this place recently, and you probably know why.
Victor: Sure, please do that.

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Florence: Surely not... Chris? Murdering... Herbert Major? W... wa... erm... no. That just can't be right.

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Chris: Man...

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Chris: It's felt so long, but I can't keep track of the time. But it just simply comes flooding back, Chris. No, please don't shoot. We can sort something out. Now, put that gun down. This'll probably sound old now, but we can and WILL sort something. You killed Herbert, but you won't take me.

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Florence: Excuse me?
Victor: Yes?
Florence: I'm Florence Hodgson.
Victor: Chris' girlfriend?
Florence: Yeah, that's right. Who are you to him exactly? That's only if you don't mind me asking?
Victor: Sure... I'm a good friend of his, Frederick Passos.
Florence: And you are exactly?
Victor: Isn't that a bit personal?
Florence: I'm sorry, excuse me but... I'm a bit worried. I couldn't help but hear what Chris said about this place. Did he kill Herbert?
Victor: No... don't be stupid. He wouldn't do such a thing. He had nothing to do with his line of work, Major was a businessman.
Florence: Are you sure? There's something not right here.
Victor: How come?
Florence: He told me how he had secrets, just some that weren't relevant at this present moment in time. Is this it? Do you actually have proof to show that Chris never killed Herbert?
Victor: Look Florence, Chris didn't kill Herbert. Why are you sniffing around here anyway?
Florence: I'm curious, you know?
Victor: Chris got here by car... don't tell me you followed him.
Florence: No, I was here anyway. I was only contemplating with myself on a park bench. I always come here.
Victor: That's strange, does everyone come here, or would you happen to know Herbert as well?
Florence: I've never seen him before. This is my nearest park, Frederick. I don't know Herbert or more specifically I never knew Herbert.
Victor: Sure you don't. I still don't see why you're around here at the same time, there doesn't seem to be many people around either...

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Florence: Enough of that, where is Chris? I should probably talk to him.
Victor: I think he'd rather leave, don't you?
Florence: We don't intend on taking it that slow, the last thing we need is to be avoiding one another.
Victor: Fair play. I'll leave you to it. Nice meeting you, Florence.
Florence: Nice meeting you too, Mr. Passos.

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Chris: (Sighs) What next, Chris? You've done a lot but there's just that little something that isn't there. Find that and this whole thing should spiral off into a different dimension.

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Chris: Wayne, Rocco, Marion, Luisa... Isaac? All potential targets, Chris. Which one to choose? It's too hard.

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Ian: Good evening, Chris.
Chris: Ian... how the hell did you get in!? Go away!
Ian: You saw it coming, Chris. Felix?
Felix: Yes gov?
Ian: Hand over Barker the cuffs.
Felix: Yes gov.

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Chris: Saw what coming!?
Ian: You know what you did, Chris. And no matter who you are, you still commited a crime. It's only right I do this.
Chris: Do what?
Ian: Don't act like that with me, sunshine. You know why I'm here...
Chris: What!?
Ian: Chris Osborne, I am arresting for the assault of Detective Inspector Isaac Noble...
Chris: No, no... you can't do this.
Ian: You have the right to remain silent but anything you do say may be given as evidence of which you later rely on in court.
Chris: No... I can't go to court! You need me, Ian! What the fuck do you think you're doing?
Ian: Boys, deal with him.
Chris: You can't do this! You hear me!? You've got it wrong!
Ian: The evidence is clear, Chris... we all know what you did to Isaac.

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Rod: (Whispers) Be patient. We'll sort something out, don't worry.
Chris: (Whispers) Thank you.

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Ian: Alright Rod, lead him out of here.
Rod: Ok, with pleasure...

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Episode Nine (9), Part One (1) Snapshot_9c84dc14_9cf1ffb5

Ian: We're not going to talk, you know what you did... it was an offense. You don't need to talk. It's done now.
Chris: This isn't going to effect my job position is it?
Ian: Maybe.
Chris: (Sighs) Oh... I bet Isaac did this didn't he? He told you about this? He's behind this all?
Ian: Perhaps revenge for what you did to him, Chris. He looked pretty beat up. It was clear that he'd been beaten, and who else could have done it other than you? You admitted to it.
Chris: I guess I did.
Ian: There you are then... what else have you to say? All of the blame lies on your shoulders. You're responsbile for this mess, Osborne. You.
Chris: I beg to differ, Ian. That's down to why I did what I did to Isaac.
Ian: SHUT UP! We'll have none of that. Save it for the courtroom, Chris.
Chris: Alright then, I will. The jury will understand.

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Chris: (Whispers) Felix...
Felix: (Whispers) What?
Chris: You'll get me out of this one, won't you? You and Rod? Remember, we're a team now, right?
Felix: Yeah, Chris. The sooner you're back on the clean side of the slammer the better.
Chris: Why didn't you refuse to do this?
Felix: We thought of it but... we don't want to irritate Ian.
Ian: I hope you're not talking back there, FELIX!
Felix: Sorry, gov.

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Ian: Alright, we're back at the station. It's just there, Rod.
Rod: I can see that, clearly...
Ian: You're not going back to work, Chris. This is a temporary place for you to stay.

Posts : 76
Join date : 2015-07-11

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